New Dubai Dieting Fads

‘Eating in front of the TV’: Top 5 weight loss mistakes to avoid


Developed by exercise physiologist Marco Borges, the vegan challenge (meat and dairy-free) is based on the premise than it takes 21 days to make or break a habit (though there is some dispute over this fact). Alkaline diet It has been championed by the likes of Victoria Beckham, and is by no means new, but the alkaline way of eating looks set to be popular over the next 12 months. The Honestly Healthy Alkaline Programme was devised by nutritional therapist Vicki Edgson and organic chef Natasha Corrett, and is based on the idea that as our bodies have a slightly alkaline composition, eating mainly alkaline foods (ideally 80 percent) helps keep things in order. Alkaline foods include fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes, while acidic ones include products containing white flour, garcinia cambogia side effects dairy, meat, fish, coffee, fizzy drinks and sugar. DIY juicing Supplementing a diet low in nutrients with fresh juices, or embarking on a liquid-only juice detox is by no means a new concept when it comes to weight loss, but the trend is already seeing a boom in Dubai this year.
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What you need to know for successful dieting

Smart, easy swaps Having your sandwich on tasty whole wheat bread makes it more filling, and just opting for mustard instead of mayo trims your lunch by about 50 calories! At dinner replace those starchy sides (like potatoes, which set you back 258 calories) and have a double helping of veggies. Broccoli, spinach and artichokes are only a few delicious, low calorie choices that offer a big fiber boost. Next time you are out for drinks you can save upwards of 300 calories per round by nixing those sugary mixed cocktails and going for wine or straight spirits on the rocks or with a splash of juice or soda. Get organized Take the guesswork out of healthy eating by re-stocking your pantry with waist-friendly versions of foods you normally use.
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Using artificial sweetener: Sweets take a bad toll on your waistline but opting for artificial sweeteners may not be such a good idea. Studies suggest that many zero-calorie sweeteners are fake and can cause moreweight gainthan actual sugar. These artificial sweeteners confuse your digestive system and compromise your ability to burn calories, thereby increasing food cravings. 4.
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